Is Painting Your Trim the Same Color as Your Walls a Good Idea?

Starting to plan your painting project? As you're deciding on paint colors, you may be wondering what color to paint the trim.

Wall trim moulding

Whether the trim color should be the same color as the walls is a quandary for many who are planning a paint job. As you scroll the web or page through decorating magazines, you'll notice a range of styles from trim colors that accent the walls to trims that seamlessly match the wall color. So how do you know which option will look best in your home?

It can be tempting to default to what you know and what's most comfortable – and that could very well be to paint your trim the traditional white. But painting trim the same color as walls – the trending term is "color drenching"– has many advantages, some of which may not be so obvious until you read this article! So go ahead, read on, and find out if it's a good idea to paint your trim the same color as your walls.

Factors to Consider Before Painting Your Trim the Same Color as Your Walls

Use Quality Trim and Intentional Placement

Trim can enhance a room by imparting an architectural flair and by making a room look more finished. In addition to the typical crown molding, cornice molding, baseboard, shoe molding, and window and door casings, you can add a custom touch with wainscot, chair rail, and cove moldings. If you're adding trim to elevate a room before painting begins, select a quality material such as poplar, oak, MDF, or PVC.  

Choose the Right Color

The right color will make or break the look of your room when the paint job is complete. Choosing a hue that's just a bit too dark or too bright can affect everything from the mood of the room to how the walls reflect incoming light. When painting by yourself, if you've chosen the right color, painting the trim and the same color as the walls will be much easier than painting the trim in a different color. 

Select the Proper Paint Finish

Even though matching the trim to the wall color is often preferable, the finish for trim will usually be different from the walls. Walls are typically painted in a flat or eggshell finish while trim could be painted in satin. But for added drama, choose a semi- or high-gloss trim finish. Using a glossier finish on the trim than on the walls gives it some pop and prevents a space from looking one-dimensional.

Be Particular with Wall Decor

Art and accessories add a sense of your personality to your home. Your art and wall decor can stand out and take center stage when they don't have to compete with a trim color that's different from the walls. Also, if your room has panel molding, wainscoting, or chair rail, adding gallery walls or floating shelves may make the walls look too cluttered. Simple high-quality artwork, mirrors, and light sconces can be great choices for walls with detailed molding.

Consult Professional Painters

If you have any doubts about choosing the right color, finish, or type of trim for your project, you'll get the answers you need when you consult with a professional painter. In areas like Denver, it's essential to consult with professional painters who understand the importance of quality trim. Pros have vast experience with trim colors and finishes, and understand the importance of installing quality trim.

When you hire a professional painter to paint your walls and trim, you'll get a top-quality, durable paint job that will add beauty and value to your home. Plus, hiring a painter will make the job go much faster and more efficiently so you can start enjoying your newly transformed space. 


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Pros and Cons of Painting Your Trim the Same Color as Your Walls

To help you decide, we cover the pros and cons of painting trim the same color as walls. Check out the advantages here:

  • Creates harmony by making carpentry, such as built-ins or bookcases, look seamless.

  • Makes a small space feel larger and more open.

  • Makes the ceiling look higher. 

  • Creates an elegant, minimalist style color palette.

  • Pulls together various design styles within a room. 

  • Certain architectural styles in the Front Range benefit from matching trim and walls.

  • Provides a way to highlight and accent art and accessories.

  • Softens hard angles and makes them look less harsh.

  • Creates a stylish architectural look.

  • Allows a focus on texture, such as with brick, board, and batten, or Venetian plaster walls. Painting your brick walls the same color as the trim allows the brick texture to pop.

  • Makes a space feel cozy and welcoming, especially when darker colors are used.

  • Ties a room together, especially in open-concept homes or in small rooms.

  • Elevates an ordinary room into a more luxurious but understated space.

  • Makes it easier and faster to paint since far less cutting-in is required.

Now check out a few of the disadvantages

  • You'll need to use some elbow grease and extra steps to paint over if you decide to go back to traditional white trim.

  • Elaborate or historical trim that is intended to accent a room won't show as intended.

  • You clearly want the trim to accent the walls rather than blend in with them.

Home Aesthetics That Benefit from Painting the Trim and Walls the Same Color

From Downtown's coveted historical homes to dramatic contemporary architecture dotting the Front Range, which architectural styles benefit from painting the trim and walls the same color? 

Obviously, classic traditional and historic homes are ideal candidates for matching the trim to the walls. But the modern farmhouse is a transitional style that looks wonderful with matching walls and trim. Even mid-century modern, minimalist, and Scandinavian styles are enhanced when the walls and trim are painted the same color.

Still Undecided? Singletrack Can Help!

Don't let a little confusion stop you from transforming your old blah rooms into Wow!. If you're undecided – should walls and trim be the same color – Singletrack Painting is happy to refer you to a designer who can help. A color consultant stays on top of the latest trends, has the experience to know which ones are best for your home, and will take all of the confusion out of trying to decide.

Once you sign up for Singletrack's painting services, we provide color consulting upon request. All you need to do is ask. Take advantage of Singletrack's many years of experience and expertise with cabinet, exterior, and interior painting.


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